Ministries We Love!

~ Pregnancy Resource Centers
~ Guardian Project & 4TheirLives
~ Compassion International
~ The Seed Company
~ The Voice of the Martyrs

Over the years we have been blessed to be a part of a big team… a team called the body of Christ! Being part of the team, for our family, has changed over the years as we have grown from one season to the next on this adventure with Jesus called life. There have been those seasons in my life, before marriage when I had the “freedom” to serve on yearly mission trips to Mexico with my church and overseas to Istanbul, Turkey with a group during college.

Once married, our vision and mission became very clear that God was calling us to be intentional for Christ right here where He planted us. My husband’s minsitry was focused on our leading our family and loving people in the work place. My ministry was in the local church, serving however I could and serving in my own family and marriage. But God calls us all to be actively engaged in the Great Commission and the Greatest Commandments (love the Lord your God… Love your Neighbor).

So over the years, we have felt led or “called” to support various missionaries, ministries and organizations through means of giving, but also serving when we can. It hasn’t been easy with 6 little ones… getting out, but we do what we can when we see opportunity.One of the greatest legacies one can leave is the legacy of compassion and service. But this legacy takes massive intentionality. To instill in a child the desire to serve, the ability to be compassionate, it takes getting down and dirty… it takes time… and it takes intention.

We have personally found that while our children are young one of the easiest things to teach is the love of life. Sanctity of Life! Because I have spent many of the last 13 years pregnant or holding a baby in my arms, the opportunity for teaching the “love of babies” has been endless. But just having many kids is not going to teach the value of life itself, it takes teaching it, sharing with the kids that there are other beliefs out there and WHY we believe what we do. And then finally, teaching that what we believe, is biblical and worth laboring for.So every year our family participates in the annual PRC Walk-a-thon to raise money for this ministry to women in crisis and/or need of counsel.

The Pregnancy Resource Center is in a battle, they are on the front lines every day, counseling and loving women who are contemplating abortion. This is heaven work… this is local… and it is happening today. I am so excited that I can have some little part in helping the women their by donating Redeeming Childbirth as not only an evangelistic tool for the counselors to give as a gift to their clients, but also as a mentoring tool to engage these women when they are afraid and hopefully if they read it, it will lead them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ! My prayer is that it is a “taste-test” of the goodness of God and that these women would YEARN for more of Him, thirst for righteousness and hunger for His Word.

I pray you find those ministries that work for your family. The Body of Christ is SO big, and there are so many needs everywhere. Where is your heart?  A piece of mine is in Mexico, a piece is in Turkey, a piece is in India, and some is here in different ministries. I look forward to our family’s future and dream about the future missions trips, soup kitchens and service opportunities we can delight in with our children. Today we train, tomorrow we all serve together… but I still SERVE today as MOTHER.

Let’s Do This- Go TEAM!

Together We Lead Change for the Glory of the Kingdom of God!