Regularly $49.95, pre-purchase now for $35.97 and receive the full course when it releases. Don’t forget to register to receive course offers and updates, personal insights and prayers from Angie, and to take part in the Quiet Fight survey.

*Group pricing and church licensing coming soon


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The quiet fight between women is real, and often times expressed loudly through our body language and interactions with one another. Women, wives, and mothers are left feeling isolated, offended and unloved, instead of supporting one another in the journey that is life. Angie Tolpin boldly addresses the issues that arise with women today and challenges us all to rise above them in love to encourage and affirm each other in our identity in Christ. She urges us in a kind, yet assertive way to practically consider how we can build strong community that is necessary in order to have thriving families. I loved this course and the intentional thought Angie poured into each and every aspect of it! This course is going to radically transform how women view each other and the world, positively encouraging friendship while dismantling the quiet fight that is ripping women apart today. Do not wait to participate, we all need this!
Jennifer Smith, Author of The Unveiled Wife and Wife After God
Angie is digging into an issue at the core of the gospel, reconciliation. This e-learning experience will challenge us as women to live out what we believe.
Amber Noelle Anderson, Pastor's Wife

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Angie Tolpin

Author, Mother, Wife and Lover of Jesus Christ

I’m the wife to Isaac, a Stay At Home-Mom of six, an author of a couple books, a speaker, a small time farmer, and my passions filter through my faith in Christ and His Word of truth.