On this Father’s Day I wanted to do something special for all the dads out there and to write a special message for you here at Leaving a Legacy. I am also very thankful to Eternal Perspectives Ministries for donating 2 sets of Courageous, the book, by Randy Alcorn and Resolution by Alcorn & Kendrick.  So two blessed winners will get both of these books {retail value of $30 each set} and you can enter the contest every day for the next 4 days!




I mostly write to women here, but the truth is You, my dear brother, have been placed in a position of leadership within your family by God and have an equally influential role in your family. As you and your wife work as a team to raise your children… you are the team leader. And as such, your life models character traits that will impact generations. Whether you are intentional or unintentional you are leaving a legacy and you have a choice to engage this season in your life with passion and intention or not. I urge you brother, do not be discouraged. Do not let the enemy win this battle . When you hear his whispers or even his blatant shouts that discourage and kill your confidence as a leader in your home, speak scripture against those lies and do not give them attention. They tempt you to be “normal”… to be “the cool dad”… to be the “trendy dad.” It is going to take intentional fathers rising up in today’s generation and choosing to purposefully engage in the discipleship of their children to bring forth strength that will stand firm in the days to come. I pray you accept this call brothers. I pray you see the call for leadership of a new kind to transform the home–biblical leadership.

My deepest prayer is that you see the call to raise a family, not just to believe in Christ, but to love Jesus with an undying love that inspires the next generation to live serving Him with abandon. That leaving a legacy of faith is the obvious fruit in the soul because of a passion within the individual souls to LEAVE A LEGACY OF KINGDOM FOCUSED IMPACT!

May we first truly BE AMBASSADORS for Christ and then and only then will we be able to raise ambassadors for Christ!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I pray that you see the massive role that you and your husband play together. I pray you will value your husband in this mission of raising up the next generations. Invest in him by praying for him as the leader of your home. Invest in His spiritual life by encouraging him and helping him to find time to grow in his personal walk with the Lord so that he can mentor other younger fathers and your children. Tonight as I write to you I am praying my heart out. Oh what is this world going to come to in 5 generations, 10, or 20? IF? …

Please pray with me. Wail with me. Let’s us cry out to God for direction as we raise our own children. May Jesus be the only ONE guiding our parenting choices. May we be willing to be obedient and see those non-eternal things like dishes for what they are… sometimes a distraction when I need to be on my knees asking a child for forgiveness… or simply to play patty-cake or connect with a child eye to eye… and sometimes letting those dishes be the tool God uses to sanctify our hearts… refining our servant heart attitudes. Let’s us ask God to help us model servant leadership and responsibility to our children. May He give us wisdom to discern between the two. And help us to allow our husbands grace. We are not perfect and neither are they. Let us pray for one another’s marriages! That we might all to work more like the team God has created us to be.

Happy Father’s Day Brothers! And Thank You… for all you are doing in partnering with the expansion of the Kingdom of God! May He Bless Your Families Abundantly!

IMG_3415Your Sister in Christ,

Angie Tolpin

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