
Warning: Are Your Children More Important than Technology?

Laptops, cell phones, tablets, and computer screens have all improved our lives, right? Or maybe not. As a mom of seven, who has teenagers, as well as a baby, I've experienced what parenthood is like with and without technology. When I compare my mothering experience back then to how it is today, I see and experience a challenge today that was never an issue before. If you have teens now think back. Not everyone had a [...]

An Uncommon Way to Encourage a Friend Walking Through Crisis

I got a text message from a friend the other night. “Pray for my daughter. We are headed to the ER.” What does one say? The obvious answer would be to pray. Immediately. Stop and pray! But what do you say, what do you do next? Sometimes, praying IS WHAT you do. Often times we downplay the power of prayer. Most Christ followers would say there is power in praying, that there is a purpose [...]

By |February 26th, 2016|Blog, Faith, Friendship, Motherhood, Parenting, Prayer|0 Comments

When you are jealous that your husband gets to work

He was supposed to leave the next morning for a four-day retreat in Hawaii. All I could think about was how he was escaping to paradise, sandy beaches, sunshine, and a full night's sleep, while I was stuck with a sick household of children and a dream of one night's rest uninterrupted. I was jealous. As I went about my day, I washed his clothes for packing and tried to prepare my mindset for the late night drop [...]

By |January 29th, 2016|Biblical Womanhood, Blog, Marriage, Motherhood|2 Comments

Learning to Delight in the Moment & Let Go of Mommy Guilt

I struggle with feeling guilty sometimes. Do you? Guilt for being out running errands and leaving my teenager to make lunch. Guilt for not seeing so-n-so's text message and failing to get back to them right away. Guilt for missing that call from Dad (or whomever). Guilt for having to say no to a season of sports or that other activity. Guilt for not volunteering at the church  ________ (name your ministry). Or guilt for [...]

By |January 24th, 2016|Blog, Motherhood, Nursing, Parenting|2 Comments

The Postpartum FOG: The Week After Birth

So your expecting a baby moon? You've been carrying your sweet babe in your womb for -40+ weeks and your anxiously awaiting the moment you get to hold your baby in your arms. Then the big D-Day  arrives! You give birth, and like most, you experience one of the most exhilarating few hours post birth. You are hungry, eating like you never have before, and snuggling your sweet bundle of joy. If you are like me, you [...]

Taking Time to Heal from Pregnancy and Birth |Postpartum Care

Time is one of our greatest commodities here on earth. And it is our responsibility to steward it well. Many might think that taking 30-45 days to rest is absurd and excessive, but did you know that women who take that time to recover and heal have less likely a chance of suffering PPD AND they are known to have longer life spans! Did you know that there are actually 4 trimesters, not three? Many [...]

By |November 16th, 2015|BIRTH, Blog, Motherhood, postpartum, pregnancy, Redeeming Childbirth|0 Comments

Not Every Pregnancy Is the Same | Encouragement from a Mom of Seven

As many of you know, I am expecting our 7th blessing! Well, it dawned on me the other day that I haven't shared much here, on my personal website, about what God has been teaching me through this pregnancy.  If any of you follow Redeeming Childbirth or my journey through Instagram, then you probably see some of what I share, but I was prompted the other day to begin sharing more personally with you here [...]

By |November 12th, 2015|BIRTH, Blog, Motherhood, postpartum, pregnancy, Redeeming Childbirth|6 Comments

Pressure to Do & Compare As a Mom + Hoodwinked Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway Today's Confession as a Homeschooling Mom of Six Who is Pregnant and Due Any Day!   Sisters,   Many of you know I am pregnant with our 7th baby and due on Nov. 21st! But what you don't know, is that in the midst of trying to run a household, educate my kids, get them to all their activities, make it to my prenatal appointments, all while NESTING, I still have to [...]

By |November 3rd, 2015|Biblical Womanhood, Blog, Friendship, Motherhood|15 Comments

Why We Do Not Recommend the Minions Movie

Disclaimer: Movies land in one of those "disputable issues" categories. My intention in writing this post is not to create controversy, nor is it to condemn anyone for taking their children to this movie. Simply put, I have felt a burden on my heart to write this post since we took our son to watch it. I posted a few pictures of us going to see the movie on social media in celebration of his birthday [...]

By |July 20th, 2015|Blog, Book Review, Motherhood, Parenting|115 Comments

That Moment in Motherhood When You Realize Your Sin

Sometimes being a mom is just hard. Sunday afternoon was one of those times. Our family was planning on going to the movie theater to see a cool new family flick in celebration of Father's Day. And one of my precious children was caught in the action of losing self-control of one of his appendages, actually punching a sibling in the head. Now before I continue to tell you my story from Sunday, I have [...]

By |June 25th, 2015|Blog, Family Discipleship, Motherhood, Parenting|5 Comments