We have been so blessed the past couple of months with Family Angels. My mom is staying with us now which is a huge blessing since I am still trying to recover from birth and get used to a family of seven! Isaac’s mom and dad have also been down a couple of times this past month to help with maintaining the “farm” and helping me maintain my “sanity.” We also recently were blessed by a special visit from aunt Coyote! What a load of Family fun!
I had to post some very special pictures from some very special “long distant visitors.” Isaac’s Grandma YaYa Cora and his Aunt Ambar came all the way from Maryland to help with the kids and house when the baby was born. Cora was here from July 1-16 and Ambar joined the crew the 6-16th. They were such a huge blessing to us… Cora what a cook. Great at
taking care of those she loves especially through the nourishment of their tummies. And Ambar you were such a help with the kids, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping….. I can’t even begin to list all the things you did for me. I especially want to thank you for keeping up on my garden… I am so thankful because I had put so much work into it and you watered her like she was your own. Thank you!
We truly miss you! God Bless you abundantly for what you have done for me and my family. I Love You Both Dearly!