Trampoline… Batter Up (Pitching Machine)…
Smores around the Fire Pit…
Monday we opened our home to Isaac’s 38 managers and a few other significant people in the Division. We rented a tent for our back yard and set up tables chairs and a TV for PowerPoint and WAH LAH!
I know you are probably thinking I am crazy but I LOVE doing this for my husband! I love to cook… when I am not distracted. I love to entertain! And more than anything I love what serving my husband in this way says to him. This is my “Wedding Work!” Every year we host a huge (I’m talking between 85-100 people these days) Christmas party, but this year I was robbed of that blessing because of snow. So I was excited to have his managers come.
Sunday the Sermon was on “Children and Obedience & Parents and Discipline/ Parenting.”After feeling convicted of my own sin in “losing it” with my kids too often we had a sweet time together as a family during communion. Then the real temptation hit! It was Sunday afternoon and we still had to do everything to get ready. Isaac had been out of town all week, came home late on Friday night and Saturday was spent trying to get house ready, run errands and have some fun with dad. Sunday though… unfortunately wasn’t a Sabbath. I had no choice but to work. I had 40 people coming to my house Monday at 11am for lunch. We experienced a ton of spiritual warfare that day and I was losing hope for getting everything ready.
I was beginning to think that this wasn’t such a great idea anymore. I felt like I couldn’t do it all!
Then Monday morning came… we put on that worship music and started working hard… as a team. My mom and dad took the three little ones for the day which was a huge help! Thanks Mom and Dad! Kelsey and Austin were my helpers all day! It was the perfect opportunity to teach them hospitality and servant hood! We had so much fun! The day went nearly perfect!Austin & Kelsey after serving a special hot day snack… Snickers Ice Cream Bars!
Here is Kelsey making Cucumber sandwiches.
We made lunch and had everyone fed and into their meeting by 12, which was our goal. I had all the lunch dishes done, kitchen clean and the casseroles ready to be popped in the oven by 1:20.
We served a snack and headed for a break at my mom’s.
Then we headed back at 4pm and started making dinner… to be served at 6pm.
Wow~ I can’t believe how much they ate that day and it still didn’t seem like enough!
Sorry Guys!
We had a great day all in all!
Thank you to everyone who was praying for me and the family Monday!
We survived! My family was strengthened!
It was a great time for everyone and Isaac’s meeting went great!
Curious about what kind of Menu Serves 40 hungry 20-28 year olds!
Cucumber Sandwiches
Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Rotini Pasta Salad
Watermelon, Pineapple & Strawberries
Chips & Salsa
BBQ New York Steaks
Hamburgers & Hot dogs
Portebella Mushrooms with BBQ Sauce
Four Fillets of Wild Sockeye Salmon
(Cedar Planked Salmon with Mango & Peach Salsa Garnish)
Wild Salad
(Wild Greens, Craisins, Grapes, Granny Smith Apple, Pecans, Goat Cheese with a Raspberry Walnut Dressing)
Harvest Potatoes
(Cheesy Potato Casserole- 2 big dishes)
Deviled Eggs
We also offered many different snacks throughout the day and of course refreshments…
What is a gathering on Memorial Day without Smores!
I am so relieved it is over, it is always a lot of work. However, this is truly a blessing to me because it is the main way I get to impact my husbands business. This is my ministry and it gives me such joy and sense of purpose. I feel like I am doing my job in complimenting Isaac when I serve him and his people. We have such different gifts from the Lord, and it is such a beautiful picture to see how we “work together.” It was fun to see Kelsey and Austin helping this year and for them to see me serving Isaac in this way. It not only encouraged my marriage, but also taught my children so much about hospitality, open our home as a place of service. Our home is God’s, he has blessed us with it and I feel like it is honoring to him to be able to use it to serve others and glorify Him.
Many people shared that they just felt at home… which I believe was true… since I caught a few of our long term guys sneaking into the fridge to see what else there was to eat. Sneaky guys! Oh yes, I saw you!
I would like to share with you one last thought… One I am very passionate about…
Everyone is in a different place… in their marriage, where their husbands work, etc…
But let me ask you a tough question that I hope gets you thinking?
How can you show your husband that you are thankful for how he provides for you and the kids?
Maybe a card, surprising him at work for a lunch date, or offering to have some people from his work over to get to know them?
I know that not everyone has the same kind of work Isaac does, but I do believe God put you where you are for a reason. Your husband’s purpose of spending so much weekly time working isn’t just to make money… it is where God put him (if he is where God wants him). He is there on purpose, it isn’t an accident and you are his wife, his other half. How are you encouraging his work?
We are to build up our husbands as best as we can.
“She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life…” Prov. 31:12
I need to ask myself that question more often! I know that when God created me I was created for a good many purposes! One of the most important being, to be as good a help meet to my husband as possible. I was created to be the “perfect” match to Isaac and He was to me, when we are in Christ. Apart from Christ we are nothing! It is only be grace and His Sacrifice that we are able to live a life holy in the eyes of the Lord. he calls us to so many things through out a lifetime. But if you are married, you are always called to be “one” with your husband. That means working together in as many things as possible because when you do, things go better. Marriage is a reflection of Christ and the Church (Song of Solomon). Our marriage is to bring God glory in this world… so when we are working together we are reflecting Christ to the world.
I am so much more fulfilled in my marriage and my walk with the Lord when I am bringing glory to God and pride to my husband.
For me, I have a tremendous opportunity to serve because of my husbands work. It is my choice. It is not required… in fact we are the only ones that do these gatherings like this. It is “EXTRA”… but it makes such an impact! I love to bless the managers, but I really love how my husband loves me while and after I serve in this way. I can see how “proud” and “in love” he is with me not because of what I am doing, but because I am trying. I am serving because I love him!
Now I don’t share all this to make you feel like you need to go all out and do what I did. Most don’t have the same freedoms Isaac has with work. All of our situations are so different. That is the beauty of it! Let me encourage you though. God can move anywhere. He desires to be the God of the plumbers and the God of the Fire department, and God of the Gas Station. He disperse us into the world to be lights. He wants us to be lights by loving others. “They will know we are Christians by our Love!” How can you help your husband to be a light in his work?
Just pray about it and see what God leads you to do for or with your husband.
Got any ideas of great ways to say I love you and I support you? How do you support your husband and thank him for his working hard for you?