Every year people make New Year’s Resolutions.
I’ve made them in the past and I am sure you’ve probably made them as well.
Two years ago I got on a mission about not making New Year’s Resolution’s but reflecting on my life and being honest. Truly honest… about my relationships, physical health, spiritual life, marriage, parenting, nutritional habits, financial goals. Some areas were more encouraging and exciting to evaluate than others of course, but so healthy to take time and reflect.
Since we were married, eleven years ago Isaac and I have enjoyed brainstorming sessions twice a year… maybe more… once on our anniversary and once around New Years. We have gone back and forth over the years with having a mission statement for our family/marriage and then goals & actions steps for accomplishing those goals in the different areas of life (marriage, spiritual, family, education, financial, business, etc…). It is stimulating for our marriage to be “building” something together and I can not tell you how helpful it for me mentally and being able to support my husband in his businesses and vision for our life and family. I feel like we are a team and I feel more “on mission or on purpose” with our ideas, dreams and goals laid out. Its a chance for us to share our hearts with each other and support one another in prayer. Its also so fun to look back on previous years goals and see God’s faithfulness in our lives.
So this year I have been anticipating this time with Isaac. I recently came across this awesome help for accomplishing what we normally do, but in a more organized manner. (For any of you who know me well, you know how much I LOVE organizing things.) Ann Dunagan @ Harvest Ministry is offering a FREE 2011 New Year’s Guide! Two things I really like the most… (1) The focus of being Mission-Minded (Great Commission) as you are evaluating your life… this is a different aspect I am personally excited to focus more on! (2) She has thought provoking questions and an evaluation chart to fill out as you reflect upon the previous year.

I am excited to hear what you New Year Goals are for 2011! Please share and leave me a comment!
I’ve made them in the past and I am sure you’ve probably made them as well.
Two years ago I got on a mission about not making New Year’s Resolution’s but reflecting on my life and being honest. Truly honest… about my relationships, physical health, spiritual life, marriage, parenting, nutritional habits, financial goals. Some areas were more encouraging and exciting to evaluate than others of course, but so healthy to take time and reflect.
Since we were married, eleven years ago Isaac and I have enjoyed brainstorming sessions twice a year… maybe more… once on our anniversary and once around New Years. We have gone back and forth over the years with having a mission statement for our family/marriage and then goals & actions steps for accomplishing those goals in the different areas of life (marriage, spiritual, family, education, financial, business, etc…). It is stimulating for our marriage to be “building” something together and I can not tell you how helpful it for me mentally and being able to support my husband in his businesses and vision for our life and family. I feel like we are a team and I feel more “on mission or on purpose” with our ideas, dreams and goals laid out. Its a chance for us to share our hearts with each other and support one another in prayer. Its also so fun to look back on previous years goals and see God’s faithfulness in our lives.
So this year I have been anticipating this time with Isaac. I recently came across this awesome help for accomplishing what we normally do, but in a more organized manner. (For any of you who know me well, you know how much I LOVE organizing things.) Ann Dunagan @ Harvest Ministry is offering a FREE 2011 New Year’s Guide! Two things I really like the most… (1) The focus of being Mission-Minded (Great Commission) as you are evaluating your life… this is a different aspect I am personally excited to focus more on! (2) She has thought provoking questions and an evaluation chart to fill out as you reflect upon the previous year.

I am excited to hear what you New Year Goals are for 2011! Please share and leave me a comment!