Purposeful Parenting #3~ Facing Realities
As I mentioned in a previous post, many people comment on how well~behaved our children are… while they are such a blessing to Isaac and I, I have to say something about this. I hope and pray you don’t take this as I am gloating. That is NOT my intention at all. I am sure many of you have experienced people in your own lives that have complemented you on your children’s behavior as well. We need to be careful not to let this go to our heads and create a mirage in our minds, a mirage that makes it difficult to see true sin in our lives and the lives of our children. We need to be honest about the heart attitudes in our children and in our hearts towards our children and others.
Though I recognize these friends and family members were probably just trying to be an encouragement to us, because they were, If they were to spend an entire day or weekend with us, they would see real children. They would see real sin. And more importantly, they would see me in real sin. The truth is that for any of our friends that spend any long amounts of time with us, they see sin seeping out of all of us, just like in their families. Our family is no different in our ability to make mistakes, trigger one another’s conflict strategies, and flat out sin. I wouldn’t be surprised if some friends have even gone away condemning us on the behavior of one or two of our children (for example: the excessively whining toddler).
Children can be trained to have good behavior in church, in a restaurant, at a friend’s house, anywhere really. Can I just say though, that good behavior is not what we are going for. We want their hearts. There are so many good books that touch on this basic concept. But I believe what is more important, what enables us to see our child’s heart is “being real.” Facing the realities that we do sin. We all sin. No parent has it together, no child has it together. We all equally sin. Once we begin with this basic reality of recognizing our own sin we can face the truth of the sin in our child’s heart with grace.
For the sake of transparency and the fact you are not able to view me in my home for an entire day I want to encourage you by sharing with you some of the uglies (as I call them) within our home. I am sure you may be able to relate to some of these, if not then maybe you should be writing this post! 🙂
Sins and Heart Attitudes Needing Transformation and Renewing by the Word:
My children helped write these out- what a healthy exercise to sit and discuss these sins, to bring them out into the light; and how humbling for them to list out my sin- whew!
My Children’s Sins over the years: (wow this looks bad when you compile it all up and I am sure we missed some)
Selfishness (Me, Mine, Now, I want it, give it to me, it was mine first, it’s not fair, not sharing, and oh so much more)
Whining (some children more than others for sure- completely in alignment with their core values conflict strategy~ a form of manipulation at times~ other times an exertion of will from an inability to communicate~
Bickering & Fighting
Being a bully
Tattling & lying
Sneaking toys when napping, sneaking snacks
Interrupting (which is disrespecting one another)
Being impatient with one another in conflict
Being bossy and yelling
Instigating fights
Being inconsiderate when people are taking naps by yelling
Disrespect &Defiance
Talking back (disrespectful)
Asking the other parent to do something after the one parent said no
Not being considerate of younger children’s sensitivity to “scary” stories and telling them stories that scare them
Sassy & feisty attitudes
Not listening to instruction~ ignoring~
Laziness in Responsibilities
Grumbling & Complaining
Lacking Flexibility on Wanting their Way
My sin~
Anger & yelling (yuck)
Quick to Judge (not willing to hear all the sides of the story when dealing with a fight)
Disrespect of them in front of friends
Distrusting of kids who have lied~not fully forgiving
Threaten to take kids out of activities and then not keep my word
Broken promises
Grumbling & Complaining
Overly Critical & Judgmental