Every Pregnancy I have gone to a chiropractor for care and helping my body be “ready” for childbirth. I was in a car accident about 13 years ago that messed up my lower lumbar area as well as my upper back. Since then nothing has been the same. Every time I get into my third trimester I have “issues” with my back… more than normal I mean. I have finally found someone in the Portland area that I feel comfortable recommending and would love to support her by sharing about her work.

Whole Mama Whole Child
Rebecca Higginson
5509 NE 30th Avenue
Portland, Or 97211

Rebecca married an old college friend from Trinity Western University. He is also a practicing Chiropractor at WSCC (Western States Chiropractic College). His Team of interns helped me get through a herniated disk issue this pregnancy as well. I have to say though, that most of the credit has to go to the Lord though, because my back issues were expected to get worse with the growing belly.