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Q&A Interview with the Dunagan Ladies

By |February 26th, 2012|Blog, Mentoring, Missions and Vision, Parenting|

Interview with Ann & Christi Dunagan on the Topic of Mentoring Your Daughters: Q. ANGIE: Looking back at yourself as a mom of middle-aged children and babies, how did you begin proactively preparing your heart to let go and let God have your children for service overseas? A. ANN: With each child, there was definitely a time of "dedicating" each one to the Lord and praying over them and committing each little one into God's [...]

Mentoring Your Daughters: Missions

By |February 25th, 2012|Blog, Mentoring, Parenting|

As our children grow our parenting style needs to adapt from Training & Correcting to more of a Mentoring Relationship.  I am so excited and privileged to share this blog talk between Ann Dunagan, Author of the "Mission Minded Child" and her daughter Christi Dunagan who is currently in Tulsa, Ok and is engaged to be married in June to a 3rd generation missionary from Niger, West Africa. Listen to DaringDaughters on Blog Talk Radio [...]

Why Choose a Mentor: Part 6

By |February 19th, 2012|Blog, Mentoring|

This week we have been engaging the topic of Mentoring, specifically how to choose a mentor.  If you have not read through the posts this week, I would highly encourage you to go back and look through them. How church is modeled out today is very different from the way it was back in the biblical days. I believe the church is doing it's best to grasp how to do church, how to be a REAL community, [...]

Choosing & Being a Mentor Requires Humility | Part 5

By |February 18th, 2012|Blog, Mentoring|

Choosing a Mentor Requires Humility, both for the mentor and the student. We as a Christian people live in a culture that teaches, if you think it, you can do it.  If you put your mind to it, you can do anything. The sky is the limit. Dream, and you shall be. These thoughts are very tempting to want to believe. They feed a self proclaiming, self-indulgent, ego building philosophies that are widely accepted in our [...]

Look at The Fruit in Their Life: Choosing A Mentor Part 4

By |February 17th, 2012|Blog, Coaching, Mentoring|

How to Choose a Mentor? Tip Three {in our series}: This May be the single most important proactive thinking you could do to impact who you choose as a mentor. Look at the Fruit in a Person Life before you choose them to be your Mentor. I have personally always chosen mentors who were AT LEAST a season ahead of me. While I do believe you can learn from your friends, and even those younger [...]

The Importance of a Mentor

By |November 23rd, 2011|Blog, Friendship, Mentoring|

As a young lady I was always drawn to gleaning wisdom from older women.  That part of me has never changed.  I would venture to say that deep down inside of every woman is a desire to have an older woman speaking encouragement and trustworthy wisdom into our lives.  Someone who has been there... down that old familiar road.  For me, I know I need encouragement from older moms who are nearing their home schooling [...]

Why We Homeschool

By |October 25th, 2011|

Why Do We Homeschool? Drum Roll Please... counting down... I will list our top tens reasons for choosing to home educate and then I will explain each of those in a summary below. 10. The PERKS 9. It's What Works for Our Family- Enabling Our Family Mission and Individual Missions 8. Out of the Box Education- Delight Directed, Diligent, & Independent- Adapted to each child's unique learning style and core nature 7. It's Sanctifying, Producing [...]

Core Values Index

By |October 25th, 2011|

What is the CVI: The Core Values Index (CVI) is a tool that measures the UNCHANGING nature of the individual.  It is a quick 10-20 minute assessment available on this site. Want to know more about the CVI? Like the CVI Fans Learn & Interact Community and visit YourCVI.com where you can view video SpreeCasts as well. What the difference between this and other Personality Tests? While other tests out there measure the changing and [...]

About Angie

By |October 25th, 2011|

Welcome to Leaving a Legacy. I’m Angie Tolpin, thanks for stopping by to get to know me a little bit better. I always struggle with writing these little about pages, because honestly, this website isn’t about me. So I am going to share this raw, real life little video with you. I hope you take the time to connect with me and hear what is on my heart and impressed into my soul.   One of [...]

Living on a Mission

By |December 31st, 2010|Blog, Reflections|

Every year people make New Year's Resolutions. I've made them in the past and I am sure you've probably made them as well.Two years ago I got on a mission about not making New Year's Resolution's but reflecting on my life and being honest. Truly honest... about my relationships, physical health, spiritual life, marriage, parenting, nutritional habits, financial goals. Some areas were more encouraging and exciting to evaluate than others of course, but so healthy [...]