
Purposeful Parenting #5~ Revealing Expectations

Are expectations talked about in your home? What are the expectations your children sense? Have you asked them? Without prompting them?  Do they feel pressure?  Do they feel they have to perform or you will be mad at them? We have to realize these questions will reveal a few things! 1) What we really focus on. 2) What our children feel/sense is most important to us 3) What they will most likely do when they [...]

Purposeful Parenting #4~ Expectations~ To Have or Not to Have

Expectations To Have or Not to Have Have you heard, “Be careful not to have too high of expectations for your children because you don’t want to put too much pressure on them or they will rebel”??? Or testimonies from MKs and PKs (missionary/pastor), who talk about how much pressure was in their homes to “perform.”  When I was in University a few of my friends were MKs and PKs.  They all had similar stories [...]

Purposeful Parenting #3~ Facing Realities

Purposeful Parenting #3~ Facing Realities As I mentioned in a previous post, many people comment on how well~behaved our children are... while they are such a blessing to Isaac and I, I have to say something about this.  I hope and pray you don’t take this as I am gloating.  That is NOT my intention at all.  I am sure many of you have experienced people in your own lives that have complemented you on [...]

Purposeful Parenting #2: Calling Sin What it is

Purposeful Parenting #2~ Calling Sin What it Is Dealing with sin in our lives is essential.  We need to deal with our sin constantly and humbly as we are dealing with our children's sins along side them. First off I have to share an observation I have noticed... we as Christian parents need to change our verbiage.  When punishing, disciplining or correcting our children we need to call it what it is.  It is SIN!  [...]

Purposeful Parenting #1

Angie’s Journaling Thoughts                        Feb.10, 2012 Yesterday was a typical day at our house, aside from all the chores that go along with getting ready for a weekend trip with the family to the coast.  We still had our Thursday responsibilities of school work, cleaning, projects, organization chores, and practicing music in addition to meal planning, grocery shopping, loading and preparing the RV.  After getting through with the morning errands,(before the [...]

A New Spin on Prov 22:6~”To Train Up a Child”

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Mothers innately want what we think is best for our children. We dream about the days when our children are grown and envision a legacy. A legacy of faith. Dreaming, we exclude the trials, the suffering, and the challenges that life may bring; that God allows. Optimistic and hopeful, we cuddle our [...]

Parenting Our Children Pursposefully with the Future In Mind

As parents we all have the potential to hold on too tight.  Out of our great Love and Deep Concern for our children, we make choices in raising them, educating them, carefully "choosing their environments." One of the challenges I see all parents potentially struggle with, but maybe especially home schooling parents, is the temptation to hold on too tightly to our children.  I am not referring to the protection we are responsible for providing [...]

“Motherhood is not for Wimps”

I wanted to share this poem I acquired from the Above Rubies Retreat in 2010. I hope you enjoy it! Motherhood is not for Wimps! "There are those who would spurn the vocation of mothers And say it's inferior to the career of others, I'll have to admit that it's not easy work, It's relentless and from it you can not shirk. It takes all your energy to be a mother and wife, It requires [...]

By |December 16th, 2011|Blog, Child Training, Parenting|0 Comments

Socialization? To School or Not to School?

I was recently inspired to blog about the whole "Socialization" controversy that tends to "attack" home schooling families.  Its always funny to me when I get asked why do we home school?  I have to laugh; because, if you have home schooled for any amount of time at all... boy... that question is opening a whole can of worms... isn't it!  It is not a simple answer, at all.  In fact, its probably one of [...]

By |October 10th, 2011|Blog, Child Training, Family Discipleship, Home School|0 Comments

Responsive Breastfeeding & Fertility

Over the past 11 years I have read many on Breastfeeding & Fertility Signs in attempts to have a good split between being pregnant to give myself a break to recover from the tough pregnancies with nausea, vomiting, back issues and then nursing. Out of the numerous books that cover this issue, these two books are the two I have found most profound & would recommend to any first time mom as well as seasoned [...]

By |October 16th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog, Child Training, Nursing|1 Comment