This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Redeeming Halloween

This month we have discussed a lot about this hot topic Christ followers face as parents. Do we or do we not participate? How much is ok? How does the history of October 31st impact what we do today? Candy, costumes, pumpkins, parties, and on and on. This topic has even been stimulating topics on Christmas and Easter all over the internet.
Here are our two posts on Halloween:
Engaging But Not Encouraging Halloween
Redeeming Halloween | Free Pumpkin Gospel Printable
But you know what conclusion I have come to. Today is the Lord’s Day. It’s that simple. He has made it. Given us another day of LIFE! We are so blessed. And yet it is just another day in which we have the opportunity to leave intentional legacies, bring Him glory, enjoy the gifts He has given us in our families and in creation, and most of to delight in another day of relationship with Him. What a relief!
So what are you doing to Redeem Halloween?
Let me help, if you have decided as a family to pass out candy, think on this thought. This is an opportunity for you to SHINE for Jesus! People are coming to YOUR DOOR! If you don’t have gospel tracks, consider printing out this FREE Printable of Scripture verses and taping them to candy before it gets dark!
FREE Halloween Candy Scriptures Printable
Just click above!
Remember, Shine for Jesus. Smile, and let God’s Light Resonate!
You can still print out your FREE Pumpkin Gospel Printable as well! Save it for next year!
Pumpkin Evangelism Printable