I am excited for this weeks post series which is going to be digging deep into multi-generational legacy!
We are starting out with some intense questions & articles this week to really probe hearts~ get us thinking and getting real~ Thank you Alice Behnke for your contributions and writing on this topic. Intense in some parts, but overall good and profitable to examine our hearts and motives. Thank you to Brandy & Judy Maddox who will be sharing at the end of this series – from a Daughter-in-law and Mother-in-law perspective! 
The first few days are addressed to Grandparents! I would love to see some engagement happening in comments from you all. Alice will be glad to interact with you as well in this! She is writing on the Grandparent relationship, and relationship to their adult children… this isn’t meant to point fingers on any of our wonderful grandparents at all… these articles where Alice’s inspiration from observing the Christian community in general in regards to how much grandparents are involved and how they view their roles.
Grandparents~ My prayer is that you would read these posts with an open mind and really try to relate, examine your relationships, here at Leaving a Legacy we are all about talking about the tough issues and digging down deep so we can be growing and more intentional in our relationships… Ultimately, we need to be lifting one another up in Christ, we parents need you grandparents… we want your involvement, but we also need you to have respect for our needs… everyone is different… engage your children and in-laws, be respectful of their authority as parents and ask them how you can help. Their needs might be different from someone else~ in fact if you have multiple children that are now parents, I guarantee that those children would probably all have different wants, desires and expectations of you as grandparents, so ask them; be real! Time is too short! As Christians we need to start acting like real families and be a TEAM, united working for Jesus Christ, building one another up.
Parents~ Journal, write yourself a letter to remember the needs you have now, so that when you are a grandparent, you will remember, or have a reminder as to what the needs are. I like to dream about the day I have Grandkids~ I have expectations of myself as a grandma and talk openly with my kids about ways I hope to be able to help them when they have kids of their own (yes my kids are little but I am a visionary what can I say)! Remember though that everyone has different needs, so as you grow the needs you have now might not be the same needs your kids will have, so be respectful and ask them too! What do they expect and need! Be intentional!
Young & Single~ If you are young and don’t have a family yet- this is especially helpful for you- many family relationships can avoid conflict or even expectation issues if good communication is created up front. Some families struggle more than others with communication, if this is you… start working towards healing and health in the area of communication, it will only prove to be helpful down the road when you do have children.
God Bless & I hope you enjoy this different kind of series! It’s a blessing to be in the Journey with you!