As parents we are privileged, by God, to be able to name our children. Through out scripture careful thought and reflection went into choosing a name… and often times God also spoke to either the mother or father to be, telling them what the child should be named; always based upon meaning.
When I was a little girl I had a framed picture in my room that had the meaning of my name in it. I remember reading it almost every day… I identified with the meaning of my name. Even as a young child I remember thinking, I am growing up to do and be what my name says I am. I am thankful my parents, instilled the importance of knowing the meaning of my name in me from a young age. On the plaque was a special verse of dedication as well. I cherish this wall plaque.
Naming children is a hard task. We have always looked into the meaning behind the name, because we believe a child is to become what their name means. God didn’t take lightly naming his children. Names are important to God. Through-out scripture God list genealogies of names, He reveals himself to His faithful, telling them what to name their children. He muted Elizabeth’s husband Zachariah, spoke to him telling him what to name his son, John. He spoke Abraham telling him his wife Sarah would have a baby in old age; she laughed because of this. When the baby was born, Abraham named him Isaac which means, “laughter.” An angel told Mary to name the Christ child Jesus. The Lord changed Saul’s name when he became “born again” to Paul. In Exodus 20:7, God says “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” (It was so important that it is the seventh commandment.)
“A good name is more desirable than great riches” Proverbs 22:1
“A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death, better than the day of birth.” Ecclesiastes 7:1
“He determines the number of the stars, and calls them each by name.” Psalm 147:4
When God is talking with Abraham he likens his “offspring/children” to the number of stars. If God names every star, and he cares for us, his children far more than the stars, do you think He has chosen a name for you, his child? As parents, we need to study and pray before naming our children that HE blesses us with. He has a destiny, a plan and purpose for each of their lives. He has called them each by their “name.”
Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:23
When Adam named the Woman God had blessed him with, he named her carefully. He didn’t just say I “like” this name, so I think I will name her that. He took careful thought, and choose to name her based upon depth of meaning.
This year I finally got around to stenciling the boys names and verses on their walls in their room. I love that at night I can remind them what their name means. Pray for them at night that they would become men of wisdom, strong warriors, courageous (Drew Titus’ meaning); Deliverers of Light and Steadfast in Trust (Luke Silas’ meaning).
Literal Letter, the St. John’s family business, have beautiful wall decals! We have this one above our fireplace in our music room.
I can’t wait to hear from you. What have you named your kids, what are the meanings of their names are, and why you choose to name them that!? 🙂

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