Isaac & I are celebrating our 11th year of Marriage today!
I joke with him, that since we meet we have been moving at a mile a minute…
and I feel like it for sure!
11 years later… love…6 beautiful blessings… delightful hard work… dreams accomplished… still dreamin’… health issues & healing… growth… perserverance… learning… repentance… forgiveness… more love… understanding… team effort… working together…
more learning… sin apparent & grace given… living the days on purpose… keeping each other strong… when one is weak- the other is strong… more dreamin’…
setting goals… accomplishing them… changing goals… realizing God’s giftings…
Learning selflessness… learning patience…studying each other and learning…
Experiencing Him more in our Marriage…
More Love…

Life- what a blessing- what a journey it has been already- can’t wait to see what the next years hold!
I Love You Isaac!