Worship through Music is, for me, the most moving way to feel the presence of God and to experience Him speaking comfort and strength in times when I need Him most.
During the typical day, if I am feeling tired, cranky, unappreciated, or any of the other vast emotion of a woman and mother… if I put worship music on… it helps me to get the focus of myself and back where it should be… on the Lord, who He is, and what he has done.

Anticipating the most physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally challenging events a woman can ever experience in her lifetime, birth, I prepare music for the event.

Each of my children have special stories of their births, as every woman has.
My children’s story of their birth and the few moments after can be characterized often by the song that randomly is chosen ( I believe by the Lord).
While I do pray about the songs I put on my ipod, there are about 150 songs and are set on shuffle. So it is very random how the song is selected.
In my last post I shared the songs that meant the most to me through the labor.
Here is the song that was playing when I delivered Ethan and the few minutes afterward.

“Depth of Mercy”
by Selah

Depth of mercy can there be

Mercy still reserved for me?

Can my God His wrath forbear,

Me, the chief of sinners, spare?

Heaven find me on my knees

Hear my soul’s impassioned plea

Depth of mercy can there be

Mercy still reserved for me

Now incline me to repent,

Let me now my sins lament,

Deeply my revolt deplore,

Weep, believe, and sin no more.

Heaven find me on my knees

Hear my soul’s impassioned plea

Depth of mercy can there be

Mercy still reserved for me

Heaven find me on my knees

Hear my soul’s impassioned plea

Depth of mercy can there be

Mercy still reserved

Mercy still reserved

Mercy still reserved for me

There were moments I remember singing this song in labor and being deeply moved… and then moments when I was so focused I don’t remember the words but I was at peace.

Then as Ethan was born, I was so moved by how the Lord spared me pain in my back… which is truly a miracle and testimony to his power, empathy to pain, and mercy. Being so thankful for His grace at that moment, I cried out …“The Lord had mercy on your mother!”

My prayer is that as Ethan grows… like the lyrics in this song profess… Ethan would be “inclined to repent” and “weep, believe, and sin no more.” That Ethan would have the kind of communion with the Lord I have been so grateful to experience. That the Lord would hear his “soul’s impassioned plea.”

Mercy was reserved for me and is for you as well!
Our God is a great God and has the power to heal, give mercy, and protect!