When I was first asked to check out Ken’s new book coming out this next week on Jan. 27th, 2015, my first thought was, I have way too many other books on my reading list that I am currently trying to get through. I’m a mom, a wife who’s husband is building a business, which means he works late… often. I don’t have time to read another book!
But then I met with Ken, we talked about life and I realized there are some deep like-minded beliefs about life and faith. And then he shared with me, how his wife Tamara had a deep burden for women to read his new book The Grand Paradox.
Check out this exclusive video interview with Ken & Tamara Wytsma on
“Why Women Should Read The Grand Paradox.”
Click2Tweet the Interview

Why is this a Book You Should Read?
Like I said in the video, this isn’t the type of book that you would find the women’s Christian Living section. Unfortunately, that means that it could get overlooked, which is WHY I have chosen to highlight The Grand Paradox here on Leaving a Legacy.
- Let’s just say it: Moms don’t have a ton of time for reading, especially moms of little ones.
This book is organized in a unique way that is actually digestible for busy moms. It can be read from front cover to back, but it can also be opened up anywhere and you can bop around to get bite sized pieces of encouragement in your journey of faith through the Messiness of Life. It leaves for room to chew on ideas, talk them over with your husband or a mentor, really engage with the challenges it reveals, and put it down to work on executing the truth Ken exhorts as a brother in Christ. - The subtitle relates to all of us, but I can’t help but relate The Messiness of Life, the Mystery of God, and the Necessity of Faith to homemaking, raising, disciplining and discipling children, and working at marriage.
- This book shatters the expectations we impress upon ourselves, others impress upon us, and that the culture feeds us. {Click 2Tweet}
- This book is refreshing in that Ken gives us the permission to Close the Book, and simply meet with God. His heart isn’t to create more noise that distracts us from the intimacy to be found with Christ, but that in reading this, “he hopes to point people back to the simplicity of walking in faith with God.” He points out the issues we struggle with in the Age of Information and how we are really in a battle to fight for solitude. He exhorts us to be careful not to become habitual in going to others for advice, but really going to God. Today the church at large encourages community groups, date nights, youth group, and on and on, and those activities aren’t bad, but we also need to prioritize quietness and communion with our Lord. We need to fight for the depth of relationship with God and our immediate families by sometimes saying no.
- This is not a formulaic, 31 days to a Better Marriage kind of Book, because life doesn’t really work like that. Oh, how this speaks to my heart as a woman who is living in a much more complicated world than that.
Let go of expectations that put you in bondage and be encouraged to simply experience God in the midst of the messiness of life as well as the times of rejoicing. Click2Tweet
In the end, this book resonated with me because it is counter-intuitive to what we often hear: a message of doing. In my perspective this is a mark of the Holy Spirit, when the real conversation about faith isn’t 10 steps, it isn’t cookie-cutter, it’s the Messiness of Life, the Mystery of God, and the Necessity of Faith woven throughout it all. 
We are giving away 10 copies of The Grand Paradox!
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