Spring time… scarifying time…soaking time…transplanting time… weeding time…

soon it will be planting time!

The Farmer plants the crop (does the hard labor), but the Lord blesses the work. He makes it grow healthy and protects it. This year my prayer for this garden is for more than blessing the abundance, it is for protection from disastrous pests and massive quantities of weeds. We are drastically down sizing our gardening efforts compared to last year out of necessity. Since I am struggling with my back and getting “larger” towards my third trimester we are planting easier and less quantity. Thank goodness for Farmer’s Markets and weekly CSA baskets!
I am praying that my children can “keep the faith” in their desire to bless their family with the work in the garden. It is tiresome work that never goes away… weeds.
It is good for them though!