You may have thought since our youngest is almost 5 years old, we were done, right?


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One of the benefits I have never experienced before is that everyone is potty trained and SUPER helpful!

Everyone in the family is SUPER excited, as you can imagine! Actually they have all been begging for another sister or brother for a couple years now, and there are a couple who are praying for twins.

My little Megan isn’t so little anymore either, she is like my very own personal doula or nurse, always bringing me water labeled, “Mom & Baby”!

You may be wondering, when is the baby due?


For those of you who know us well, you know that Isaac and I have been praying over our family for years, seeking God’s guidance in the size of our family. We never set out to have any specific number of kids or even a large family, but as we have traveled through this journey of life, marriage, and family together, we felt God bringing our hearts into alignment each and every time! And for that, I am so thankful.

And I ask you to rejoice in what God has been doing in all of our hearts. We are truly experiencing His leading.

I want you to know that Isaac and I do not hold the belief that large families are for everyone. We believe that God has a unique path and design for every family. And we pray that you would agree with that too! That God is not a cookie-cutter designer. Amen?

We are just so delighted that God would choose us to raise another one of His children and look forward to the growth that is to come in this season of pregnancy as we learn more about who He is, who we are in Him, and grow in that understanding together!

What a gift to partner with God in Bringing Forth Life!

I do have one prayer request, if you feel the spirit impress upon you to pray for me, the baby, and our family. Every pregnancy has been very thoughtfully considered mainly because of the great sacrifice of health it is for me during the pregnancy. I have suffered from HG, excessive morning sickness, every pregnancy and have tried EVERYTHING in the books, out of the books, eastern and western tricks, you name it, but I still suffer.

I would ask, that if you do feel called to pray for us, that you would pray, that God would grant me mercy, that I might not experience sickness this pregnancy. And if it is His will that I do, that I would approach His throne with a heart to cling to Him. And I pray that more than anything, my children would have a strong sense of just how precious life is and how loved they are, that mom would value their lives more than 9 months of morning sickness.

A Praise: I am so thankful for this baby and how it has already blessed our family by it’s presence! And I am SO ever grateful that I haven’t gotten sick yet! Praise the Lord! I am hopeful for Him to go before me as He has gone behind me already!

