
Population Crisis Continued…

What is the population crisis theory all about?There are two sides to every story aren't there? On one side, there are those who believe our world is in a state of crisis b/c there are too many people consuming and adding to the problems of the breaking down of the ozone. These people look at numbers of people currently alive and compare them to numbers of people who lived in past decades and centuries. Based [...]

By |November 13th, 2009|Blog, Reflections|2 Comments

Population Crisis: Satan’s Lie or Not?

For a while now I have been wanting to blog about demographic issues. The world's view vs the Christian world view. Today I was reading in, The Family (God's Weapon for Victory) by Robert Anderson, the chapter happened to be on this topic. In his book, he says, "Satan is the father of lies and there is no truth in him (John 8:44). He has repeated some of his lies often enough in the media [...]

By |November 7th, 2009|Blog, Reflections|2 Comments

Isaac turned 34!

Isaac You Are Many things to Us...My Best Friend and Lover!We know how to have a good time...A Visionary at Leaving a Legacy of Hard Work, Integrity, and Devotion to Christ and His calling!A Loving Son and Brother!You are a loving and strong man!A optomistic believer!A fun dad!A caring dad!You love Jesus!You know how to play hard with the kids!A loyal friend!You know all the fun guy things to do!A DYNAMIC LEADER!Happy Birthday Honey!We love [...]

By |November 5th, 2009|Blog, Scrapbook|2 Comments

Treating Swine Flu Naturally

We are finally on the upswing from getting hit with this SWINE FLU!I am finding myself eating my words; when I made fun of how people were freaking out over this H1n1 scare. "It's a pandemic!"Well that "pandemic" got a hold of one Tolpin and made its contagious way through the lot of us over these past 2 weeks.So to make every thing we have gone through worth something. I desire to help you, the [...]

By |November 3rd, 2009|Blog, Healthy Living, Homeopathy, Natural Meds|8 Comments

Interview with an Occult Convert

Since my last post on the Occult and Halloween I have had a lot of very supportive responses. Our long time friends who live up north sent me this very interesting and eye opening interview. Katie is a like minded sister in the Lord, and along with a friend, she interviewed a woman named Sandi who had been a member of the occult for 29 years and came to know Jesus just 3 years ago [...]

By |November 1st, 2009|Blog, Holidays, Reflections|0 Comments