
Dr. Mom’s Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathics and I have a love/hate relationship. Let me explain what I mean. I love homeopathy. It is AMAZING. 100% recommend it. However, because it works so well, it can further embed this "pop a pill mentality" I am so against... down to the very fiber of my being. No kidding, diet fades... um ya... I laugh at those. Never done one, never will. So this is part of where the "hate" aspects comes in. [...]

By |October 15th, 2013|Blog, Healthy Living, Homeopathy, Natural Meds|2 Comments

Treating Croup Naturally & Hyrdotherapy

Over the years, with 6 kids, you can bet that we have had our run with Croupy Coughs. My second oldest, got croup chronically for about 3 years. You can bet that after a few visits to the ER in the middle of the night, how determined a mama can get to find an alternative way to treat this nasty cough. So here is the wisdom that has worked with us over the years and [...]

By |November 14th, 2011|Blog, Homeopathy, Natural Meds|0 Comments

Postpartum Helps & Living Real

Healthy Foods that Help PostPartum:Eggs & Avocado: High in SerotoninKelp/Seaweed/Dulce- Good for thyroid- very vulnerable postpartumSt. John Wart- Herb/TinctureSepia 30c- Homeopathy for Mood Swings(when your critical & snappy)Natrum mur 30c-homeopathy for weepinessPulsatilla 30c- Homeopathy for women desiring sympathy and companyPlatina 30c- Disappointed in everyone and seems aloof, also she feels like shes alone in the world, weepyCimicifuga 30c- Feels like she's in a black cloudAnacardium 30c- Better while eating , but sad again soon after. [...]

By |October 10th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog, Homeopathy, Natural Meds, Reflections|10 Comments

Bulk Herb Store

The Bulk Herb StoreOur dear friend and trusted helper, Keziah, introduced me to the Bulk Herb Store.When she first starting coming over, she brought with her this absolutely great salve called the Eden Salve. After about a month, I realized I need to invest in some of our own. I found every time the kids had a tumble, cut, scrap, or bump we were "using hers up."So I finally gave in and went to their [...]

By |October 1st, 2010|Blog, Homeopathy|0 Comments

Onion Poltices

Allergies, colds and a horrible cough!The night before last Luke woke up around 3 am with a horrible cough.It was one of those coughs that gags and scares a parent into bringing the child to bed with you.After trying water and seemingly appropriate homeopathies an hour later he was still coughing and gagging... about every 20-40 seconds.I looked up alternative treatments for whopping cough in my homeopathy books and learned about an Onion Poultice.So at [...]

By |July 14th, 2010|Blog, Homeopathy|0 Comments

Treating Swine Flu Naturally

We are finally on the upswing from getting hit with this SWINE FLU!I am finding myself eating my words; when I made fun of how people were freaking out over this H1n1 scare. "It's a pandemic!"Well that "pandemic" got a hold of one Tolpin and made its contagious way through the lot of us over these past 2 weeks.So to make every thing we have gone through worth something. I desire to help you, the [...]

By |November 3rd, 2009|Blog, Healthy Living, Homeopathy, Natural Meds|8 Comments

Tolpin Healthy Habits

I have shared many of the struggles I have had with health over the last few years and wanted to share with you the top ten healthy habits, or battles(if you will), I have chosen to adopt over the last year. Disclaimer: Of course, I am not anal about these... we do everything in our power to not let these things get in the way of fellowship with others... In addition there have been seasons [...]

By |September 10th, 2009|Blog, Healthy Living, Homeopathy, Missions and Vision|1 Comment

Treating Mastitis

Natural Remedy for Mastitis:(Nursing Breast Infection)Echinacea Tincture (1 dropperful every 3 hours or as needed) Emergence-C Packets (1 every 3-5 hours with water)Phytolaca Decandra (Biorin pellets) (1 pellet under tongue, directly followed by Belladonna)Belladonna (Biorin pellets) (1 pellet under tongue)Use the homeopathy Biorin pellets as needed until you get a grip on the infectionI ususally put an hour between treatments unless it is really bad then only 30 minutesIn addition:Eating cabbage raw or blanching cabbage [...]

By |September 3rd, 2009|Blog, Healthy Living, Homeopathy, Natural Meds|3 Comments