This past month I had the pleasure at speaking at Good Shepherd Community Church {here is the audio if you can view the video below} on one of the topics I most passionate about. You are probably thinking, oh she spoke on birth… nope. There is actually a lot more to me than “pregnancy, childbirth and all things prego.” You might not know this, but one of the reasons I wrote Redeeming Childbirth first {yes there are many more books in me}, was because I believe that as women, one of the most controversial topics we first encounter, stems from this season in a women’s life. But as you know, it doesn’t end there, does it?
Why, I am so passionate about this controversial topic? Well, actually I am just as passionate about the other pink elephant as well {education choices}. I am passionate about this, because I believe that the enemy is having a hay-day with the lost, while we the church are completely distracted by things that are NOT ETERNAL.
These topics, which cause so much division among women in the church, DISTRACT us from our real calling, The Great Commission. While we should be most concerned with making disciples, in and out of our homes, and doing it well, we are so distracted by what people think, and what they will think, if we ______ {fill in the blank}.
I believe many more people make decisions in life based more on what others in their ‘social group’ will think versus what God is actually calling them to do. I know I struggled with this myself for years. Surely, I am not the only one, or maybe the only one that will actually say it out loud, eh?
While we, the church, are distracted by the COMPARISON TRAP, believing lies from the enemy, and even allowing our sinful nature to kick in and think unholy thoughts of our sister, simply because she seems to have it all together, the enemy is winning. WE ARE DISTRACTED.
In this 50 minute talk and 25 minute Q & A, we covered a lot of ground. We uncovered some lies and some traps that I believe can revive and revolutionize the church culture of today, because you see, WE ARE THE CULTURE.
That’s right. If you have a problem with the “church,” guess what? You have a problem with yourself, because YOU ARE THE CHURCH.
This is SO crucial. Why? Because We have the responsibility and opportunity to make impact for the future “church.” Our children are watching us and listening to us. So when you gossip about the sermon, guess what, they hear it. Are you over critical? They see it. And what do you think they will do when they are older?
Redeeming the Division: Cultivating Unity Among Women
Redeeming the Division: Cultivating Unity Among Women Share this link: {Click to Tweet}
Thanks to my hubs, Isaac Tolpin & the Choose Growth Team for helping edit this video of our talk at GSCC on Feb 13th. I pray you are encouraged to live better… for His glory. And I will be posting on the topics I briefly touched on in this talk in upcoming posts. I hope you will join me as we unravel this very delicate and important topic of Division & Unity in the Church.
Resources for further study, click below to download:
1. Redeeming the Division Powerpoint PDF
2. Going Deeper Study Questions
3. Redeeming the Divisions Journaling Questions & Table Talk Questions
Holiness, It Can Be Intimidating
But Why Don’t We Allow One Another to Pursue it?
Why don’t we rejoice with one another when things are going well? Why are we mainly encouraged by the stories of others struggling like we do? Let’s be honest. We have all known that one lady, that woman who always seems to have it all together… well… guess what. None of us do. That is a lie. We should be able to be an open book, sharing our own struggles authentically without condemnation or judgementalism. And we should be able to share the things we are learning and growing in, just as well, if not even more!!!
We talked about this concept of truly letting your sister in Christ live out her callings, pursuing to serve the Body with her gifts and talents, without competition, allowing her to pursue holiness and not be ashamed for pursuing to live holy. Be talked about sharpening one another as iron sharpens iron {Prov. 27:17}, and how you have to be close enough in proximity with people in order for that to even happen. We talked about authentic community, realness, and choosing to have friendships with the verbal and conscience foundation centered on Christ and wanting HIS best for one another. Again, I will go into this more in depth in another post.
We talked about be able to actually be happy for one another, rejoicing together in times of rejoicing and learning how to groove together in trials, suffering, pain and loss. These topics, thoughts, and realizations are two very near and dear topics in my heart and my hope and prayer si that as we uncover the truths behind why it is so hard for us as women to truly rejoice and grieve together that exposing that sin into the light will set us free to live in biblical relationship and fellowship with one another… as Christ intended when He died on the Cross to restore all relationships {to Himself and to One another}.
I believe this topic is very near and dear to our Father in Heaven. As I share in the video, after the fall in Gen. 3, there began the shed of blood in Gen. 4 when Cain murdered his brother Abel. I believe this division among us, does kill. It kills meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships… some even from beginning. Sometimes those who are living in a way that convicts another, is simply so convicting, that they can’t even handle the friendship… this we will talk about in another post. But for now, know that when God sent His only Son to die on the Cross for our sins, He did so to be reconciled to us but also that we might be reconciled with one another. Let us honor Him, by living reconciled, not divided.
Can you be willing to receive His grace?
Can you confess to your sister that you have sinned against her?
Are you more concerned about someone seeing you sin than the fact that our Maker already sees your sin?
Who is your audience?

Can You Give Your Sister a Clean Slate?
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:36-39, ESV
This message may be a bit intense, especially if you have struggled with judgementalism yourself, whether a judger or one who has been judged. I pray and hope that this in some way has encouraged your heart dear sister. We often think of think of encouragement as building up another person, saying nice things to make someone feel good. But encouragement in the biblical sense is more concerned with the condition of ones heart than the appearance of how things sound. So I pray your soul was encouraged.
Love in Christ… Sister Angie
You can find this post linked-up over at
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