
About Angie Tolpin

Angie has been married to her best friend Isaac for almost 16 years and they have six children ranging from 5 to 15, with one on the way. She is passionate about encouraging women in their faith, but also really enjoys a good ladies night out with kindred sisters that know how to get real and laugh hard! She is the author of Redeeming Childbirth, and writes on Leaving a Legacy through marriage, motherhood, and mentoring on her blog. She has just released her first online study, Redeeming the Division: The Quiet Fight Between Women. She loves redeeming social media for the glory of God and you can find her on facebook, instagram, and pinterest. Don't miss when new articles are published! Subscribe here!

Swimming is Over Until Next Fall

Summer is here and our yearly activities have come to an end! I am so excited to really grasp summer for what it is... working outside, fun in the sun and hands on school-like activities!Here are some fun photos of the kids at their last swimming class!Enjoy!Next Fall four of the kids will get to swim! Yeah!

By |June 24th, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Update on the Garden

Everything is in Bloom!Here is an update on my gardenWe are harvesting Beets, radishes, lettuce, brocolli, onions, shallots, garlic and many different herbs! Oh, I am so excited!This year we did companion planting...Box #1TomatoesBasil, Sage, ParsleyAsparagusLettuce & CarrotsOnions, Shallots, GarlicRubarbMarigold, Calendula & EchniceaBox #2Peas (trellis)CucumbersLettuce, Calendula, ParsleyNasturiums, Blackeyed SusanCarrots & AsparagusTomatoesBox#3Broccolli & CabbageBeetsOnions, Shallots & GarlicSage, Dill &ChamomilePeppermint & SpearmintBox #4Pole Beans & Bush BeansRadishesYellow Summer SquashZucchiniEggplantCorn, Sunflowers & PumpkinsMorning Glory, Lupine, SalviaAnyone know if [...]

By |May 31st, 2009|Blog, Gardening|0 Comments

Nor Pac at the Tolpins

Lunch... Meeting... Snacks... Meeting...BBQ Dinner... Fun on the Tolpin Farm...Trampoline... Batter Up (Pitching Machine)...Smores around the Fire Pit...Fellowship...Some of our Managers hanging out after the meetingMonday we opened our home to Isaac's 38 managers and a few other significant people in the Division. We rented a tent for our back yard and set up tables chairs and a TV for PowerPoint and WAH LAH!I know you are probably thinking I am crazy but I LOVE [...]

By |May 27th, 2009|Blog, Missions and Vision|3 Comments

My "Real"ity

At Austin's party last week, talking to a friend I mentioned how "stressful" the day had been trying to get ready for that night.Isaac had been gone all week traveling all over Oregon and Washington (it was his second week in a row)... and I was pretty overwhelmed.When I mentioned this reality to my fairly new friend... her response was... "it is comforting to know other mom's struggle with this as well."It brought up the [...]

By |May 20th, 2009|Blog, Reflections|4 Comments

Austin is 6!

Thursday Night Austin had his 6th Birthday!This year we were so blessed to have fellowship and fun with a few families!What a party! Four families= 24 kidsThen friday night Isaac and I took him on his birthday date which is a Tolpin Family tradition. What a blessed boy...he got to have his date with Nana & Papa to Cold Stone as well!Happy Birthday Son!

By |May 16th, 2009|Blog, Scrapbook|0 Comments

Steps For Life

Thank you to all of you who Sponsored Us todayas we walked in the Steps For Life Walk-a-thon!With your help we raised $410.00 for the Pregnancy Resource Centers here in Portland, Oregon!Thank you for partnering with us today!We were blessed with beautiful weather!Join me in thanking the Lord for this ministry and pray with me for all those who volunteer so much time to make it possible. I have to share the saying of the [...]

By |May 16th, 2009|Blog, Faith|1 Comment

Happy Mother’s Day!

I hope all you moms had a wonderful Mother's Day!Often times women in today's culture buy into the belief that Mother's Day means I can relax and milk this day for all its worth.I used to believe that myth and when I didn't get what I expectedI experienced massive disappointment that often led to resentment or bitterness.The new me that has had a completely humbling realization from past Mother's Days...had decided to make this the [...]

By |May 11th, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Hands For Life Workshop

If you are burdened by the downward spiral our country and world have been taking over the last century in regards to the sanctity of life....the this FREE Workshop is for YOU!This Friday and Saturday at Crossroads Church in Portland!Have you ever felt helpless in Really making a difference in regards to saving the lives of the unborn that are brutally murdered every day?Have you wondered what can be done?As a believer, who believes in [...]

By |May 7th, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Rest from Work

We can now rest easy knowing that all has been done with the vineyard until the warmer weather when we need to lift off the grow tubes!The plants have all been pruned, the compost is out, and the dead plants are replaced!Good job Isaac!

By |May 5th, 2009|Blog, Gardening, Vineyard|0 Comments

Kozy Koats

If you lived in the North WestIf you love tomatoesIf you would like to reap tomatoes earlier than September this yearThan you have got to check out theseKozy KoatsHere is a tomato plant I planted without a Kozy Koat 2 weeks ago...Droopy and Dead!Here is the same kind of tomato planted on the same day but warmed and protected by a Kozy Koat...Healthy and Growing!Kozy koat can be found at almost any garden center... I [...]

By |May 5th, 2009|Blog, Gardening|0 Comments