
About Angie Tolpin

Angie has been married to her best friend Isaac for almost 16 years and they have six children ranging from 5 to 15, with one on the way. She is passionate about encouraging women in their faith, but also really enjoys a good ladies night out with kindred sisters that know how to get real and laugh hard! She is the author of Redeeming Childbirth, and writes on Leaving a Legacy through marriage, motherhood, and mentoring on her blog. She has just released her first online study, Redeeming the Division: The Quiet Fight Between Women. She loves redeeming social media for the glory of God and you can find her on facebook, instagram, and pinterest. Don't miss when new articles are published! Subscribe here!

Responsive Breastfeeding & Fertility

Over the past 11 years I have read many on Breastfeeding & Fertility Signs in attempts to have a good split between being pregnant to give myself a break to recover from the tough pregnancies with nausea, vomiting, back issues and then nursing. Out of the numerous books that cover this issue, these two books are the two I have found most profound & would recommend to any first time mom as well as seasoned [...]

By |October 16th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog, Child Training, Nursing|1 Comment

2 Months Already!

Ethan at 2 Months Old!Dimples & Smiles

By |October 16th, 2010|Blog, Scrapbook|3 Comments

Household Embassy Banquet

Come Join Isaac and I at the 3rd Household Embassy Banquet! Thursday, Oct 14th @ 6:30-8:30pmDinners have been sponsored, so please come enjoy a great night with an equipping message on applicable ways to use our households as embassies for Christ Kingdom on Earth.This month's message on..."Furthering Your Embassy-Impact Through Progress"Please RSVP at the Household Embassy Website!http://www.householdembassy.orgWhat is the Household Embassy Movement from Chris Behnke on Vimeo.What's the Mission...Trust Jesus enough to actually obey Him.Live [...]

By |October 13th, 2010|Blog, promotion events|0 Comments

Postpartum Helps & Living Real

Healthy Foods that Help PostPartum:Eggs & Avocado: High in SerotoninKelp/Seaweed/Dulce- Good for thyroid- very vulnerable postpartumSt. John Wart- Herb/TinctureSepia 30c- Homeopathy for Mood Swings(when your critical & snappy)Natrum mur 30c-homeopathy for weepinessPulsatilla 30c- Homeopathy for women desiring sympathy and companyPlatina 30c- Disappointed in everyone and seems aloof, also she feels like shes alone in the world, weepyCimicifuga 30c- Feels like she's in a black cloudAnacardium 30c- Better while eating , but sad again soon after. [...]

By |October 10th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog, Homeopathy, Natural Meds, Reflections|10 Comments

Kelsey’s 10th Party

Kelsey finally celebrated her 10th birthday with some friends at Ceramic Cafe!Thanks to all the girls for coming!

By |October 7th, 2010|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments

After Birth Care Products

Sitz Bath Iced Packs First make the sitz bath herbs like you do tea... french press work the best with this bulk tea... but we boiled the tea...strained it with cheese cloth...then stored & poured from a mason jar. Then you pour sitz bath into pads and freeze. How to use a Sitz Bath: Make a concentrated amount of the sitz bath tea, pour in tub hot and add water to tub until the desired [...]

By |October 7th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog, Natural Meds|0 Comments

Austin’s Baptism

Our Son Austin was baptized on Saturday, October 2, 2010!The 2 ceremonies (ordinances) Christ commanded his church to perform are baptism and the Lord's Supper.Baptism symbolizes dying and rising with Christ and having sins washed away (Rom. 6:1-12). "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? BY no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don't you know that all of [...]

By |October 6th, 2010|Blog, Missions and Vision, Scrapbook|1 Comment

Bulk Herb Store

The Bulk Herb StoreOur dear friend and trusted helper, Keziah, introduced me to the Bulk Herb Store.When she first starting coming over, she brought with her this absolutely great salve called the Eden Salve. After about a month, I realized I need to invest in some of our own. I found every time the kids had a tumble, cut, scrap, or bump we were "using hers up."So I finally gave in and went to their [...]

By |October 1st, 2010|Blog, Homeopathy|0 Comments

Kelsey’s Kale Scramble

While Kelsey can not take all the credit for these eggs because sooo (my postpartum nurse-midwife, Isaac, Keziah & Kelsey) many blessed people have served me in making these eggs...I am so thankful to her for all the dozens of mornings she has made these for me and with different variations. They are delicious as well as nutritious...A MUST TRY!Kelsey's Kale ScrambleIngredients:Eggs, chopped kale, diced onion, kelp & salt mixture, pepper, diced tomatoes, & diced [...]

By |October 1st, 2010|Blog, Cooking/ Recipes|0 Comments

Postpartum Hemorrage

As I shared this birth was such an awesome experience. God was so clearly present and in control. There was a peace in the room that can only come from His presence. Now I want to share with you about a new experience I have been learning from. I experienced my first postpartum hemorrhage. After Ethan was born, it took about 45 minutes for my placenta to detach and be birthed. Shortly after that I [...]

By |September 30th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog|0 Comments