
About Angie Tolpin

Angie has been married to her best friend Isaac for almost 16 years and they have six children ranging from 5 to 15, with one on the way. She is passionate about encouraging women in their faith, but also really enjoys a good ladies night out with kindred sisters that know how to get real and laugh hard! She is the author of Redeeming Childbirth, and writes on Leaving a Legacy through marriage, motherhood, and mentoring on her blog. She has just released her first online study, Redeeming the Division: The Quiet Fight Between Women. She loves redeeming social media for the glory of God and you can find her on facebook, instagram, and pinterest. Don't miss when new articles are published! Subscribe here!

Open Season in the Garden

Finally it is Time! Time for Gardening!Yeah! I am so EXCITED this year! We have expanded my garden... added 2 more flower beds in the enclosed garden! My hope is to be able to use past of the land behind our chicken coop for corn and potatoes and things like that as well. That is if I can manage to figure out my watering problems.After weeks of reading, planning, buying seeds, buying starts, testing and [...]

By |April 10th, 2009|Blog, Gardening|0 Comments

A Visit From Grampa Jim, Gramma Cathy & Abel

This past weekend we had a special surprise visit from Isaac's Dad and Family! It was great fun!Friday we went to the Children's Museum and Saturday we went Bowling!What a great time we had. Here are some fun pictures!

By |April 10th, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Good Boy Moses

Last week Isaac and I watched Moses and Luke bonding...I just couldn't believe how gentle Moses was!He just knew to be gentle with the baby.For all of you who wonder if you could have a puppy with little kids...well it is a lot of work.Let me say that again...IT IS A LOT OF WORK!But it is moments like this when it makes it all worth the work.Moses had his second birthday in Feb.I can't believe [...]

By |April 3rd, 2009|Blog, Scrapbook|0 Comments

Home Schooling: Our main Goal

Last night I had the opportunity to make it to a gathering of women from our "sister" church (the Mt. Hood Congregation). They were getting to discuss the topic of home school materials and get together and pray for one another. I found it to be such a rich time. I don't know about you, but I thrive when I feel like I am not on this road alone! It was such an encouragement to [...]

By |April 3rd, 2009|Blog, Home School|1 Comment

Good News Jelly Beans!

Here is a Fun little activity to do with little ones since we are nearing Easter!We got these from our librarian and had so much fun eating each one as we learned what it represented.Thanks Linda

By |April 3rd, 2009|Blog, Traditions|0 Comments

Juicing with Kids

Yesterday we made a yummy new juice. Here is the recipe! 1 red beet 2 long slices of pineapple 1 pear 1 tangelo half a lemon with rind Another family favorite is: 1 cucumber 1 pear about 2 cups of pineapple The great thing about the juicer is that you can't go wrong... everything I have tried tastes so yummy! I really love this one: a handful of carrots 1 cucumber 2 granny smith apples [...]

By |April 3rd, 2009|Blog, Cooking/ Recipes|0 Comments

Building our Defenses and Curing the Sore Ear!

These past 2 weeks my family has been fighting a nasty bug... bronchitis, ear infections, and everything that goes with it. It has been a hard 2 weeks but I have learned a lot through it all. Thanks to my new friend Janet, at church, and my dear friend Shawn, I feel more empowered in how to take care of my children with out using antibiotics.Both of these friends told me they use garlic oil [...]

By |March 31st, 2009|Blog, Healthy Living, Natural Meds|0 Comments


This weekend was amazing...Isaac completely redid our old "theatre room" into acraft, sewing, reading roomfor his wife (ME)!I am so overwhelmed with gratitude and shock really.Now we have a place for projects that is out of the way!Look at all he did!Thank you honey!I Love you!I'll post "after" pictures once I am done adding my feminine touch!Which may be next fall since it is green thumb season!

By |March 31st, 2009|Blog, Home Improvement|1 Comment

Smashing Hit

"Rejected No More" was a smashing hit! I ended up taking the girls on the outing to see the play. We enjoyed the entertainment as well as the message that was so respectfully depicted of Ruth in the Bible. God Bless you Barclay family and all who participated in bringing this blessing to us! Can't wait to see what is in store for next year!

By |March 31st, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Rejected No More

When: March 26- April 4Where: Mt. Hood Community College TheatreTo Learn more and buy tickets go here.A wonderful chance to take your kids to a play written, choreographed, and acted out by people from our church. Last year went to see Chosen Destiny, a play put on by the same group, a play about the story of Esther. This years production is about the story of Ruth. This year Isaac is taking the girls on [...]

By |March 26th, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments