
Postpartum Helps & Living Real

Healthy Foods that Help PostPartum:Eggs & Avocado: High in SerotoninKelp/Seaweed/Dulce- Good for thyroid- very vulnerable postpartumSt. John Wart- Herb/TinctureSepia 30c- Homeopathy for Mood Swings(when your critical & snappy)Natrum mur 30c-homeopathy for weepinessPulsatilla 30c- Homeopathy for women desiring sympathy and companyPlatina 30c- Disappointed in everyone and seems aloof, also she feels like shes alone in the world, weepyCimicifuga 30c- Feels like she's in a black cloudAnacardium 30c- Better while eating , but sad again soon after. [...]

By |October 10th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog, Homeopathy, Natural Meds, Reflections|10 Comments

After Birth Care Products

Sitz Bath Iced Packs First make the sitz bath herbs like you do tea... french press work the best with this bulk tea... but we boiled the tea...strained it with cheese cloth...then stored & poured from a mason jar. Then you pour sitz bath into pads and freeze. How to use a Sitz Bath: Make a concentrated amount of the sitz bath tea, pour in tub hot and add water to tub until the desired [...]

By |October 7th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog, Natural Meds|0 Comments

Postpartum Hemorrage

As I shared this birth was such an awesome experience. God was so clearly present and in control. There was a peace in the room that can only come from His presence. Now I want to share with you about a new experience I have been learning from. I experienced my first postpartum hemorrhage. After Ethan was born, it took about 45 minutes for my placenta to detach and be birthed. Shortly after that I [...]

By |September 30th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog|0 Comments

Ethan’s Birth Song

Worship through Music is, for me, the most moving way to feel the presence of God and to experience Him speaking comfort and strength in times when I need Him most.During the typical day, if I am feeling tired, cranky, unappreciated, or any of the other vast emotion of a woman and mother... if I put worship music on... it helps me to get the focus of myself and back where it should be... on [...]

By |September 24th, 2010|BIRTH, Blog|0 Comments

Upcoming Posts

My next Posts are going to be topics dealing with Birth & Postpartum. I have learned much through my 6 postpartum experiences and feel the Lord asking me to be transparent and real about the struggles as well as the healing I have experienced. Topics I plan on covering: Ethan's Birth Story Postpartum Hemorrhages- Experience & Care Postpartum Homeopathy & Personal Care Bonding, Breastfeeding & Fertility Dealing with Hormones, Anxiety & Emotions Spiritual Rest & [...]

By |September 22nd, 2010|BIRTH, Blog|1 Comment

Labor of Love

"A Labor of Love" Ethan's Birth Story After weeks of feeling like a "ticking time bomb" the day finally arrived. As the Sunday morning bustle commenced, I focused inward, trying to "read" my body. Was this the big day? Kids showering, getting all cleaned up for church, packing bags and all the usual details of the morning, but with added pleasure of Gramma's company. As Sarah & Isaac held down the fort I went for [...]

By |September 22nd, 2010|BIRTH, Blog, Reflections|0 Comments