Phillip Foster Farm
We had a great day at Phillip Foster Farm on Friday!For all of you who couldn't make it...WE MISSED YOU!Maybe Next Year!
We had a great day at Phillip Foster Farm on Friday!For all of you who couldn't make it...WE MISSED YOU!Maybe Next Year!
Luke Loves tomatoes...look at all the seeds on him from eating them as I pick them!You would think they were berries!Hopefully there will be enough left for tomato sauce?:)Sept.22 was the first day of fall and so to my "little lambs" that means time to pick the pumpkins and most of our squash!Here they are...Our Angiosperms that we germinated and scarified and transplanted and now finally harvested!We have been doing "Exploring Creation's" Botany Science Book [...]
Here it is... this is a MUST HAVE FOR YOUR DVD LIBRARY!If you don't have the chance to hear this talk given by Ken Ham then you should definitely invest the $15on the DVD titled:"RAISING GODLY CHILDREN IN AN UNGODLY WORLD"This is hands down the best, most thorough talk I have EVER heard on the topic of family and the Bible. I think I have a new modern day hero folks.Ken and his colleagues have [...]
One of our long term Home school experiments was to grow our own popcorn.It all started last spring when we germinated and planted the corn seed last April.Then we transplanted into our little garden and 3.5 weeks we harvested it.Finally, yesterday we popped it.It was beautifully White little kernels of popcorn.It feels so satisfying to have completed this project.
Last year we celebrated Maunday Thursday by having a Passover Meal together. It was such an awesome time of reflection and really helped to make the crucifixion real to the kids so we decided to make it a tradition. Our 2nd Year Passover Menu: Unleavened Tortillas Grapes Potatoe Latkes Garlic & Onion Baked Tilipia Charoset Recipe for Charoset: 3 med. sweet apples grated 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 1/4 cup grape juice or red sweet [...]
Last night I had the opportunity to make it to a gathering of women from our "sister" church (the Mt. Hood Congregation). They were getting to discuss the topic of home school materials and get together and pray for one another. I found it to be such a rich time. I don't know about you, but I thrive when I feel like I am not on this road alone! It was such an encouragement to [...]
Make Cookies, Fudge & Candy...Pack & Ship Cookies, Cards, & Gifts...To Wrestle & Dance to Christmas Music...To Think & Pray for & Help Others in Need!This year our church made Hope to others Bags for us to keep in our car ready to give to those less fortunate. A good idea for all year round that we will be adopting! How powerful to meet the needs of people even in this small way. If you [...]
The past two years we have made apple juice @ Isaac's dad's house. The look forward to it now as a tradition!
Today Isaac and I took the kids to the Best Pumpkin Patch We have ever heard of. What a blast! The pictures speak for themselves!One of the best parts about this farm was all of the exotic animals! Everything from Emu, Walluby, Servall Cats, Huge Turkey (talking 42lbs huge), bunnies, pigs, goats, sheep, reptiles, alligators and our favorites... a baby lion and toddler tiger! There was so much to see I can't list it all. [...]
Dear Fellow Home Schooling Families,I have to write to you to tell you how much my kids and I have been enjoying this curriculum we are using this year. It is truly a treasure. Thank you to Ann Dunagan for listening to the Lord and sacrificing your own time from little ones, ministry and time with your husband to create this. My family is definitely benefiting from it and I know a few others who [...]